Top Tips to Prevent Car Theft and Damage

Top Tips to Prevent Car Theft and Damage

I was really shocked when I was a kid. My dad’s car was stolen from our garage. It was a nightmare for me. My first love was that car. There were so many memories with that car.

But our life is upgraded. So many ideas and hacks are invented.

I share some life saving tips to save your daily driver. You don’t want some unexpected occurrence with your car.


Park Your Car in a Parking Lot

Before entering a car park, a rapid risk assessment should be undertaken by weighing the benefits in relation to the cost and the burden of potential risks. 

One obvious benefit is that it enables you to park very close to the entrance. 

For one thing, it’s just much more convenient and you won’t have to walk very far. One obvious disadvantage of parking your car near the door is that it is often the most crowded area. 


car parking


There are more cars near you, which could cause more potential damages to your vehicle. Whereas if I were to park right by the door, the spaces would be cramped, leaving little room on either side. 

It’s not only really uncomfortable going in and out because of that, but it also creates this ever-present possibility of some person opening the door into your car “accidentally”. 

I want to share with you a better approach. 

I don’t do this every time, it is one great tip for you when you are trying to protect your car.

Find a safer spot, ideally one next to a curb. I just love parking in spots like that. 

Because you are protected on one side. Most of the time, people misjudge the size of their car and open their door and poke your car. 

At least here, you’re partially protected, and you don’t have to worry about the one side. 

Well, actually there’s a much better option: a corner space to park in. 

Corner spaces are perfect because no one can park on two sides of your car. This drastically reduces your chance of damage. 

In fact, the only place now left where anybody could park is on one side of you. You’re only really exposed on one side, because nobody can park in front of you because of the road. 

You remove about 66% of the risk this way; two sides out of three are protected. And that’s the objective. You can reduce risks as much as possible. 

After all, people are careless. The corner spot’s always a better bet if wanting to keep the car safe!


Block some Electromagnetic Fields

A buddy of mine just had his Renault Mégane swiped—right from his driveway. No broken glass, no forced entry. Someone literally strolled up, unlocked it, started the engine, and drove off. Why? Because he didn’t have a Faraday box.

Let me explain. I walk up to my car, and like magic, it unlocks thanks to the keyless entry. I can lock it just as easily with the push of a button. It’s super convenient, right?

But here’s a little trick to keep that convenience without the stress of someone stealing your ride—just stick your key in a Faraday box. 

Once it’s inside, I can’t unlock or start my car with the button or any keyless features. 

It’s that simple, and honestly, super effective.

In case you haven’t heard, car thefts are getting a high-tech upgrade. 

Thieves use laptops to hijack the signal from your key fob, making it easy to clone and drive off with your car like they own it. Some folks say you should just disable keyless entry altogether, but come on—if you’ve paid good money for a nice car, you probably want to keep enjoying that “walk-up-and-it-unlocks” moment. It’s a great feature.

So, what’s the solution? 


Faraday box


Easy. Pick up a Faraday box for around $ 20 on Amazon. 

When you’re home, drop your key in it. It’s a little investment but keep your mind in peace. 

Think of it like cheap insurance to make sure your car stays right where you left it.


While Washing Your Car

So, drive-thru car washes might seem super convenient—you just drive in, your car gets clean, and you drive out. Happy days, right? 

No. Under no circumstances should you use one of these drive-thru car washes.

I think that’s a C63 AMG with the V8 bi-turbo engine that someone just drove through a car wash, and the clear coat on their paint has been completely wrecked.

This is what a car with good paint looks like, and this is what a car that’s been through several car washes looks like. Yes, the C63 looks clean, but do this 10, 15, 50 times, and your paint will be ruined. 

It’s not worth it. Don’t do it.


car wash


Touchless car washes are somewhat better since they don’t have those spinning brushes that damage your car. 

I mean, have you ever heard the noise your car makes going through one of those car washes? That smacking sound? You don’t want to hear that on your car’s bodywork. It’s just not good.

So, when you see one of these car washes, do a U-turn and get the hell out of there.